Get safe sun with benefits
to protect your skin and get Safe Sun there are certain things you have to know first:
Know Your Skin Type to Start
Which celebrity do you share the same skin type?
Understand the uv index and how to use it for your skin type
By knowing your UV Index rating, you can make good decisions on how you spend time in the sun. Being in the sun is NEVER risk free, but sunshine does trigger our bodies to make critical vitamins like Vitamin D, and help the pineal gland in our brain secrete chemicals that may prevent loss of function later in life.
We are just starting to learn what good things the sun can do for our health, with new research showing our skin has the capacity to make an important chemical used in every cell of our body. The alternative pathway used when you get no sun could increase heart disease risk the #1 chronic disease killer. With the use of sunscreen, there is a risk of not getting enough Vitamin D. Diet and supplements help, and can be a substitute, but we have to ask if there is more going on when our skin gets sunshine without sunscreen, than just making the kind of Vitamin D that is perfect for our bodies, where supplements may actually fall short and are limited by quality and absorption capacity.
Yes our risk of skin cancer goes up by being in the sun more, but we are human and can't deny that we evolved without sunscreen so our skin and our pineal glad do respond to sunshine by making or releasing chemicals that could potentially prevent other chronic disease, improve our mood, clean our brain of debris, and even help us get more REM sleep which can also boost our immune system!
By knowing your own risk based on your skin type, where you are in the world, the time of the year, and the UV Index you can make your sun exposure count for the most benefit with the least risk. It is a personal choice that comes with responsibility. By using these tools, you have the potential to also improve your health with the help of the sun so be:
We are just starting to learn what good things the sun can do for our health, with new research showing our skin has the capacity to make an important chemical used in every cell of our body. The alternative pathway used when you get no sun could increase heart disease risk the #1 chronic disease killer. With the use of sunscreen, there is a risk of not getting enough Vitamin D. Diet and supplements help, and can be a substitute, but we have to ask if there is more going on when our skin gets sunshine without sunscreen, than just making the kind of Vitamin D that is perfect for our bodies, where supplements may actually fall short and are limited by quality and absorption capacity.
Yes our risk of skin cancer goes up by being in the sun more, but we are human and can't deny that we evolved without sunscreen so our skin and our pineal glad do respond to sunshine by making or releasing chemicals that could potentially prevent other chronic disease, improve our mood, clean our brain of debris, and even help us get more REM sleep which can also boost our immune system!
By knowing your own risk based on your skin type, where you are in the world, the time of the year, and the UV Index you can make your sun exposure count for the most benefit with the least risk. It is a personal choice that comes with responsibility. By using these tools, you have the potential to also improve your health with the help of the sun so be:
This chart shows how important skin type is for amount of sun time
Your risk of sunburn and damaged skin goes up the lighter your skin. It's easy to imagine that the people that lived farther from the equator, where there was less sunshine would have skin that could absorb the most sunshine because they got so little and it was so critical to health.
Those closer to the equator got sun all the time. If they had fair skin, they would have the problems fair skin people have when exposed to intense equator sun which is burn and damage easily. Therefore people with dark skin actually absorb LESS sun so they don't make as much Vitamin D and would have to stay in the sun longer to get what a fair skinned person would get in half the time!
Those closer to the equator got sun all the time. If they had fair skin, they would have the problems fair skin people have when exposed to intense equator sun which is burn and damage easily. Therefore people with dark skin actually absorb LESS sun so they don't make as much Vitamin D and would have to stay in the sun longer to get what a fair skinned person would get in half the time!

It is the UVB rays that stimulate our skin and other organs to make special chemicals and nutrients for our bodies, NOT the harmful UVA rays that cause all the damage.